Benefiting The Turner Syndrome Society
Saturday, October 20, 2018, 1:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. Putting Contest Begins
In addition to our normal donation to the Turner Syndrome Society, the Circles of Hope Foundation recently became the benefactor for the new Texas Children’s Pediatric Echocardiogram Unit at The Woodlands. The Circles of Hope Foundation will be able to provide support to any child requiring an Echocardiogram, especially those girls with Turner Syndrome. This is an amazing opportunity and your support has allowed us to provide these services.
Because of all the support over that past 9 years, the Circles of Hope Foundation has raised over $200,000 for the Turner Syndrome Society! We are truly blessed to know such wonderful people who are helping Troy and I allow for a better life not only for our daughter, but all the women/families who are touched by Turner Syndrome!